12V Pair of Yellow Motorcycle LED Indicators Turn Signals Universal - Auto GoShop
12V Pair of Yellow Motorcycle LED Indicators Turn Signals Universal - Auto GoShop
12V Pair of Yellow Motorcycle LED Indicators Turn Signals Universal - Auto GoShop
12V Pair of Yellow Motorcycle LED Indicators Turn Signals Universal - Auto GoShop
12V Pair of Yellow Motorcycle LED Indicators Turn Signals Universal - Auto GoShop
12V Pair of Yellow Motorcycle LED Indicators Turn Signals Universal - Auto GoShop
12V Pair of Yellow Motorcycle LED Indicators Turn Signals Universal - Auto GoShop
12V Pair of Yellow Motorcycle LED Indicators Turn Signals Universal - Auto GoShop
12V Pair of Yellow Motorcycle LED Indicators Turn Signals Universal - Auto GoShop
12V Pair of Yellow Motorcycle LED Indicators Turn Signals Universal - Auto GoShop
12V Pair of Yellow Motorcycle LED Indicators Turn Signals Universal - Auto GoShop
12V Pair of Yellow Motorcycle LED Indicators Turn Signals Universal - Auto GoShop
12V Pair of Yellow Motorcycle LED Indicators Turn Signals Universal - Auto GoShop

12V Paar gelbe Motorrad-LED-Blinker Blinker Universal

81.00 NIS
81.00 NIS
Farbe: Gelb

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12V Pair of Yellow Motorcycle LED Indicators Turn Signals Universal - Auto GoShop

12V Paar gelbe Motorrad-LED-Blinker Blinker Universal

81.00 NIS

12V Paar gelbe Motorrad-LED-Blinker Blinker Universal

81.00 NIS
Farbe: Gelb

12V Paar gelbe Motorrad-LED-Blinker, Universal-Blinker

    Das Energieniveau der LED-Lampenperlen ist herkömmlichen Beleuchtungsprodukten weit überlegen, mit hoher Helligkeit, geringer Wärmeentwicklung, geringem Stromverbrauch und hoher Leistung.
    Durch das coole Design erhält das Auto mehr Qualität und höhere Retentionsraten.
    Blinkerlampenschale im Schlangenleder-Stil, Griff aus hochflexiblem Gummi, hoch gebogen, wodurch versehentliche Stürze wirksam verhindert werden können.
    Material: Kunststoff + Metall
    Farbe: Rot, Gelb, Blau, Schwarz
    Farbe der LED-Leuchten: Gelb
    Anzahl der LED-Leuchten: 12
    Größe: 11 x 2,5 cm
    Kabellänge: 25 cm
    2 x Blinker (links und rechts)

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